Blog Page

Giving Up For Happiness

So, this month I’m copying and pasting my blog. It’s not that I’m too busy or lazy to write my own, I just read this shared post from a friend and at the end it said to “share and post”. So I will. Enjoy the read. It hit me on many levels. Hope it inspires you. I’m told happiness is a choice. Unfortunately we complicate our lives to the point

Control Freak

“If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” ~Proverb I recently had lunch with a favorite friend and we got chatting about our kids. Both our older children are at the age, well, they’ve always been at the age really, of thinking they know what’s best for themselves. I believe in letting my son listen to his inner voice but I

Decisions, decisions, decisions…

It seems like I’m always making one of them or consulting my mirror to help me make the right one. I’ve always been a gut instinct kind of girl, but sometimes the easiest decisions can be drawn out and end up being over thought. Eat the frog. Love LOVE that phrase. Get it done, commit, stop talking about it and get on with it. Once the decision has been made,

Stop Waiting for “Friday”.

“Stop waiting for Friday, for spring, for someone to fall in love with you, for when you feel better, for life. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now.” What an awesome reminder, right!?! I admit that I have often found myself waiting for a certain season to arrive (did someone say Spring?) or for a circled date

Spiritual Hug

For most of us, it’s easier to get down on ourselves than it is to build ourselves up. We often don’t get enough love from the world. We are quick to give to others before we think to give to ourselves.So today, this month, this year… do something truly important. Love yourself. Be your own source of warmth, light and encouragement. Good things start from within! Here’s a few SELF-LOVING

No New Year’s Clichés Here

Blessings to all of my wonderful, appreciated, loyal clients! Yes, that’s you guys. I am so grateful I get to do what I love, take care of all of you and share my space with you too. What can you expect here in my studio in 2015? It will still be a place to relax, unwind, recharge, heal. Tapping into the 5 senses is my goal. I’m thinking the smell

OK…Where did the time go?

Time to prep your mind and body for the busy season. What am I doing to follow my own advice? Firstly, I’m being grateful for the short spurts of time I have to grab a hot cup of tea, do a quick 25 minute workout in my basement & prep a nutritious family dinner to keep my chickens healthy and strong as the colder weather creeps up. Secondly, I’m pacing

Hello world!

After many months of procrastination and umpteen distractions, I’ve finally committed to myself and my studio. My frequent blogs may be long winded or short and sweet but will always be productive and informative. I’ll address massage therapy as a whole and give you better insight into the kind of therapist I am and what kind of therapist I want to be. If there is ever any particular subject or

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