OK…Where did the time go?

Time to prep your mind and body for the busy season.

What am I doing to follow my own advice?

Firstly, I’m being grateful for the short spurts of time I have to grab a hot cup of tea, do a quick 25 minute workout in my basement & prep a nutritious family dinner to keep my chickens healthy and strong as the colder weather creeps up.

Secondly, I’m pacing myself for a busy massage therapy season, always in November and December!

When EVERYONE wants to use up the last little bits of their extended health coverage for massage. Oh ya, and if you haven’t’ already, check out how much you have left and book a session ASAP before the year is over.
Use it or lose it my friends.

I recently took a 2 long weekend Yin Yoga workshop. After getting over the initial rustiness and out of body experience I was having due to lack of stretching/giving to myself/being the only non instructor in the room, I felt proud of my work and the time I took out of my very busy life to do this for myself and my practice.

Let me know if you need any one on one instruction in Yin Yoga stretching and I would be more than happy to prep a session and get down with you. PS, it can be billed under massage therapy remedial exercise along with your massage. Bonus. Just give me a heads up to prepare a routine to work on together.

So, my lessons over the next few months are, take time for yourself (no matter how short and sweet it may be), pace the chaos, stretch a little, take gratitude in the little things that you make space for, and get a massage for goodness sake. Get in to a habit.
Now, check out the BITES section this month for another yummy recipe.


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